So what's happened since I last posted? Hmmm.
- Went to visit Ali and Josh in ABQ and Lauren in Durango for Spring Break. ABQ is nothing to write home about (thus the lack of writing about it), but I went to visit the people, not the place. Also, I thought I was going to have to have my feet amputated from frostbite after taking the tram up the mountain. Fortunately, I won't have to visit ABQ again, because they're moving back to Georgia! "Yay!" doesn't begin to describe my happiness about it. Durango is beautiful and I discovered a newfound love of caramel apples there. Plus, we went to a hot spring! It was truly delightful.
- Last Libel Show as a performer. Being a band director was effing hard. I haven't felt the same about "All of the Lights" since then.
- Thought a guy liked me, and I was totally psyched about it, but it turned out to be a friendzone situation. Feels bad, man. I'm over it now, but aasdfdfhja;f; my life sucks sometimes.
- Graduated from law school! Hooray! I have a J.D. now. I still feel stupid.
- Studied for and took the New York Bar Exam. Studying for it sucked donkey balls, taking it was almost worse. I won't find out whether I passed for a few more weeks, but I hope to Gee-Whiz I do, because I don't want to have to take that test again. I would rather take 50 LSATs instead. (However, I am thinking of taking the Georgia Bar, or possibly another state, next year, because I want a job.)
- Said my goodbyes to my dear friends (well, most of them ::side-eye::) and came back home to Springfield. Thought I was going to have to move out the first week because I hate the man who lives here so fucking much, but once I realized I don't have to speak to him or be in the same room with him, it got easier.
- Acquired a kitten! Technically, my father got the kitten from somebody, but aside from that, he's totally my kitten. His name is Boots and he is wonderful. It's really like having a baby. That's how much I love him. As a bonus, he doesn't talk and scream like a child. He's currently sleeping on my pillow and otherwise being adorbs.
- Applied for a bunch of jobs, and thus far haven't gotten one. I do have a tiny foot in the door for a position at the FBI, but it's a long-shot, so I don't want to jinx it. But goddamn would that be awesome. Because being unemployed with nothing to do but look for jobs is driving me crazy. I need structure!
- Went with Michelle to Orlando for a long weekend and bummed around. Had pool time and drank a whole bottle of wine. I also discovered how tasty Walmart's frozen pizzas are. Seriously. You should try one.
- Started running. Yes, yes, I know, I said I would never run unless somebody was chasing me down and trying to kill me, but I did. I'm doing the Couch to 5K program (and as of today, I'm on Week 6, Workout 2). So far it's going pretty well. I got some excellent running shoes from Fleet Feet Sports in Savannah (free plug!), and I've been going to this little track around a pond near my house. Mama comes too, but she just walks. I'm not experiencing a runner's high or anything like that, but I know I'm doing something that's good for me, so that kind of makes up for it.
- Had a wonderful visit from Laura! She drove all the way down here and all the way back just to spend like three days with me, if that long. I hadn't seen her since graduation (because she left for her great Alaskan adventure the next day and didn't get back in town until after I'd left), so it was a warm reunion. I think the only misstep was going to see Drive. Yikes. I love some RGos, but that shit was foul. Yes, I know it's "artsy" and "indie" and whatever, but I hated it. Barf.
- Went to a family reunion for the first time since probably high school or early college. I immediately regretted my decision to go as soon as we pulled up, but it was too late by then. It was at the American Legion hall somewhere near Walterboro, SC, which, for those of you who don't know, is in the deep country wastelands of that state. So much cotton everywhere. The food was good, and some of the company entertaining, but there were a lot of people that I would never associate with outside of that relatively controlled setting. One relation was "allegedly" a crackhead who was missing 5-6 of his top front teeth. Another branch of the family is downright hideous. (IMHO, I was the best looking person there, and that's saying something.) Several others were straight up white trash. At least there wasn't an open bar (although my Aunt Tina did bring a water bottle full of vodka to dull the pain).
- My phone died and I went through an epic saga with Verizon trying to get a replacement. Three separate orders were placed (with the first two supposedly cancelled), and all three were delivered today, about a week and a half after my phone went kaput. I got one that works and have been caring for it very gently ever since. I think I did fairly well living without a cell phone for that long, since I didn't go crazy without it, but I did feel very disconnected. Technology, what have you done????
I think that just about sums it up. Most of the summer was spent in a miserable bar-related funk, so it's probably for the best that I didn't post about that.
In the coming weeks, I will have my bar results (hopefully with good news), my BIRTHDAY!, and a visit from Laura AND Ashley. It would be awesome if somewhere in there was a job offer, but I'm not holding my breath. But I will try to post even on my boring days, because it's fun to look back on those. If I have exciting days, I'll make a note about those, too.
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