Sunday, March 23, 2008


I'm home now after spending a few days in Kagoshima with Michelle, and I'm lonely. As much as I love living by myself, I wish I lived closer to Michelle. Not that I don't like my other Japan friends, but Michelle is one of my bestest friends. It's different.

I flew down and back, and flying domestically here is so much easier than international or any other flying in the States. I didn't have to take off my shoes or my jacket or take out my toiletries, lines were short, and I wasn't interrogated by anybody. And the security folks are nice and will help you move your stuff along the counters/belts. Not like the TSA jackasses that just stand there and stare as you try to move five of those fucking crates over a tabletop. I'm looking at YOU, Dallas-Fort Worth.

Anyway, we had a great time. We went to the Meiji Restoration museum, which features some awesome pro-Satsuma revisionist history. There was even a diorama! And we got to try on some clothes and take pictures.

We did go see two awful movies, unfortunately. The first was Jumper. Ugh. Hayden Christensen owes me about $35 for wasting my time with his movies. He is a terrible actor and his character was a grade-A douche. Jamie Bell was wasted in this travesty.

We saw Jumper on Friday and we were left unentertained, so on Saturday we went to see the new One Piece movie, which was by some feat, worse than Jumper. It started out good, but then there was this flashback that lasted at least half of the movie. I was getting seriously angry that the flashback wasn't ending, and when it finally did, the action wasn't improving, so we got up and left.

I did see one good movie, though. One of Michelle's friends burned lots of movies for her, so we watched the Aqua Teen movie, and it was amazing. I miss that show. Jesus. I think I'll have to buy that one.

Last night, we went out for yakiniku (for the second time in three days), and it was perfection. We ate four plates of meat between the two of us, plus almost a whole vegetable plate and a big bowl of rice. And the waiters were hot. And it wasn't expensive. Excellent.

Now I'm exhausted. Travel really wears me out. And the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow makes me very unhappy. Plus, Cat's gone to India for a week, so I'll be there by myself. I hope Drew doesn't show up.


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