Thursday, February 28, 2008


It amazes me how much I love the kids at Ido Kindergarten, especially compared to my feelings toward the other group of kindergarteners. The Ido kids were so good today and it makes me sad to think that we will only see them one more time before the year ends.

Why is my boss still here? He's supposed to be gone! Blurgh. If he was just sitting at his desk, it would be fine, but he's never just sitting there. He's always on the phone, talking in his ridiculously loud voice, and he's right behind me and the sound weighs on me like a load of loud, obnoxious bricks. I hope he transfers in April. I hope so hard.

I thought I would explain the name of this blog, since I haven't before. It's a reference to Dinosaur Comics (these comics, actually), which is perhaps my favorite thing on the whole of the Internet. Seriously. I see a lot of myself in both T-Rex and Utahraptor, which is slightly disturbing, but also exhilarating, in that I am comparing myself to a dinosaur. Anyway, chocochops are, in the words of T-Rex, "moulded chocolate pork chops with a real pork chop bone." The combination of two of my favorite things, chocolate and pork, was too good to pass up as a blog title.

After work, as far as I know, we will be gymming, and after showers, going to karaoke somewhere. Karaoke is one of the best things Japan has ever produced (sushi and Rirakkuma being the other two), and it is much more fun to go in a small group, maybe 3-5 people. With big groups, you don't get to sing as much, and you usually have to listen to people try to sing Japanese songs, which totally takes the fun out of karaoke for me, as I have a very limited repetoire of J-songs, and nobody ever sings one I know. (Wow, look at that run-on sentence!)

I am super excited that today is Friday, because that means tomorrow is Saturday. Excellent.

The U.S.'s current economic downturn is doing wonders for my money transfers. Today the dollar was down to 105yen. It was 107 earlier this week.

I ordered flowers to be delivered today for Mom's birthday. I hope she gets them. I've never ordered flowers online before, but it was from a reputable company (or one that wasn't complained about on Consumerist). I got an email that they were shipping out, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I also felt bad that I'd ordered something for Mom, but Daddy wasn't getting anything, so I bought him season one of Boston Legal. He did do all of my financial aid stuff, so I figure that makes a nice thank-you gift.

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