Thursday, October 21, 2010

dumplings and yogurt

Amy and I went to dinner and dessert on the Downtown Mall tonight and it was pretty fabulous, if a little chilly. Dumplings for me and sesame noodles for her at the Chinese place and then frozen yogurt at Sweet Frog. Fabulous.

I called Michelle for the first time in a long time after I dropped Amy off and we had a nice chat. I wish we lived closer. And I wish Ali lived closer too. Is it too much to ask to have all my friends move to wherever I go?

When I got home, I was reminded that I need to go replenish my household supplies. Toilet paper in particular. I'm down to my last roll! I also desperately need more food.

I am still in love with this Kanye station on Pandora.

How does salt go so well with caramel? I don't understand it, but it makes my mouth so happy.

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