Wednesday, March 5, 2008

local trains are slooooow

I'm home from Yokohama. I almost didn't make it back home, since I spent too much money and barely had enough for my train fare. Oops. How did I do that? I think it's the souvenirs I bought for my friends. The things I do to be liked.

Of the things I will miss about Japan, I think trains will be in the top five. Even slow ass local trains, because it is usually easier than driving. I will not miss the expense of taking public transportation everywhere, but the convenience aspect is so great. If there existed a comparable system in America, I would never fly domestic again. Unless it was like New York to LA or something.

I ran into this guy at the conference that I met when I took the LSAT in Tokyo last September. I felt kind of bad, since he hadn't heard from any schools yet and I'd already gotten into five.

I have to teach the fucking 6th graders at Ido tomorrow. I think I hate them the most out of all the kids in Kumano. They are such little bastards. I've decided we're going to play The Price is Right, and if they can't enjoy that and not act like little shits, then I might just walk out. At least I've got 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades to balance out their awful.

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