Friday, April 4, 2008

tgif, bitches

Yay, it's Friday! And where am I? Having the life sucked out of me at the office, of course. I'm so terribly bored. At least the weather is nice.

I spent a little time looking up Mythbusters episodes to see if they had done anything on whether or not it's safer to jump when a car is about to hit you than just stand there. They haven't. I think I might submit that, because I would like to know, preferably before I leave Japan, as I am more likely to get hit by a car here than at home.

I really wanted yakiniku tonight, but Lauren has an enkai, so no go. Why does Catherine have to be a vegetarian?! I can't just go by myself, that would be sad. I'll just have fish. Again.

Jesus. Not even 2:30. Maybe I'll find something interesting on Wikipedia that will keep me awake for the next 2 hours.

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