Monday, March 10, 2008

fuck them

Ugh. I hate my office so much.

Today, as we walked to work, Catherine was in a bad mood since we had to leave earlier and, you know, walk, so I tried to cheer her up a bit. I mean, I was pissed that we had to walk too, but at least the weather was nice.

So we get into the office, and before I can even sit down, Y comes over and is all, "Kara, everyone here is very busy and blah blah blah so if you and Catherine want to talk, please go somewhere else."


I was so angry I wanted to cry. It's such bullshit. We don't sit at our desks and talk in loud voices all fucking day. We make quiet comments to each other over the course of the day. That's it. Sure, not everything we talk about is work-related, but you know what? All the shit they talk about all day isn't work-related either. And I fail to see how our infrequent chit-chat is more distracting than T yelling into the phone every fucking second of the day and yelling at people across the room, hell, even people in our section, when he's not on the phone.

Christ. I'm so angry, 12 hours later.

And what pisses me off even more is that they have clearly had at least one conversation about our talking to each other (or rather that crazy bitch M complained), because he was ready with his little spiel as soon as we walked in. Goddamn!

The only positive news of the day was that T is most likely leaving in April. A-FUCKING-MEN. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, mother fucker! All of the ALTs are "requested" to go to the welcome-goodbye enkai in April. I will go and get drunk, even if it is on a weekday, and hopefully say something mean that I can't be blamed for later.

I was already in a pissy mood due to my sinus congestion, and all this shit today, combined with the no-driving bullshit just made me stew all day. I was super unfriendly to everybody except the Yamamotos, because I don't hate them with all my soul, and would tell them before I burned down the building.

Cat and I Gchatted all day cursing them. It was fun. And on the way home, this old lady on a bike came up behind us and bumped Cat to get around her, and I actually yelled at her, "Bitch, get off the fucking bike!" and it felt really good, even if she couldn't understand.

Anyway, it should be clear that ALT morale in Kumano is at an all-time high. If it wouldn't cause a problem for my schools, I would just leave. Fuck this, really. But I like my teachers and my students (at least half of them), so I don't want to be the sketch foreigner that bailed on her contract, but I also don't want to have to deal with all the shit the office piles on us.


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